Select the exchange details for the account

Modified on 2011/06/24 11:55 by Brian Murphy (CTS) — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Edit Account Exchange Details

Executing GroupThe clearing firm for the account
Primary Users for this account(T4 Username that is the primary user for this account. Enter multiple usernames by seperating them with comma's. If a user who is NOT listed as a primary user enters an order for this account then the secondary CTI / Origin / AccountCode / BillingFee values will be used instead of the primary ones. If no primary user is specified or if no secondary values are specified then the primary values are used
CTICustomer Type Indicator
Account CodeAccount Type
Billing FeeCME billing Fee
Open/Close Open/Close default value for all orders. This should normally be 'Close'
Member AllocationGiveup firm or ICE/NYBOT Clearing Firm
Trader AllocationGiveup account or ICE/Nybot Clearing Account
Account OverrideAccount number to send to the exchange instead of the actual account number